The Skoll Fellowship is a peer-centered network of 200+ leaders across 96 countries that supports cross-region connectivity, learning, and visibility for social innovators. 

Skoll Fellows are extraordinary proximate leaders who drive change in communities across the globe. Every year a new cohort of Fellows meets at the Skoll World Forum in Oxford, a moment that kicks-off a long-term journey of mutual care, shared learning and regional connection opportunities.

“The Skoll Fellowship brings together like-minded social entrepreneurs in a peer-to-peer setting. The program helps me connect with a global network of social entrepreneurs, who are dealing with the challenges I grapple with every day.  Stepping back from my daily chores and embracing the new connections at Skoll has allowed me to recommit to my mission at Saathealth with renewed vigor.” Aakash Ganju, India

“The Skoll Fellowship is a space where I have learned to be myself and to be at peace with the real me. It’s a space not centered on my accomplishments, but a space of love and strength to overcome obstacles and be a support for other fellows.” Sergio Pancorbo, Peru

We invite you to meet the 2024 cohort of Skoll Fellows from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Cameroon, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Guatemala, Jordan, Kenya, Mexico, Peru, South Africa, Tribal Nations in the USA and Uganda. 2024 Skoll Fellows are social innovators, storytellers, government and policy leaders, and connectors strengthening ecosystems. Skoll Fellows work at the intersection of systems such as health equity and access in Southeast Asia, community-centered storytelling, LGBTQI rights across Africa, engaging youth in democracy and voting in Latin America, climate justice, disability rights and entrepreneurial inclusion.