Achyuta Samanta

Founder KIIT University & KISSKIIT University & KISS Foundation


With all humility at my command, I can say that I have been trying to create an equitable world sans hunger and ignorance through the establishment of KIIT with less than Rs.5000/-(100$ approx.) in 1992-93 now a multidisciplinary, State of the Art University ( and KISS (, a home for 20,242 poorest of the poor indigenous children.
This journey I started with my back pushed to the walls due to being born poor and left to fend all by myself, since the age of four when my father, a small time worker, met his untimely death. My journey, which is both fascinating and awe inspiring, started in 1965, when destiny threw me in an obscure village to be born to a large but poor family. My website - www., www. - shares my story from rags to riches for others in more detail.