Andre Hoffmann

PresidentMAVA Foundation


Mr Hoffmann studied economics at St. Gallen University and holds an MBA from INSEAD.

Mr Hoffmann is non-executive Vice President of Roche Holdings Ltd and of Givaudan SA. He chairs the board of Massellaz SA as well as Nemadi Advisors Ltd. He is also a board member of the following companies : Amazentis SA, Genentech Inc., Glyndebourne Productions Ltd. and Inovalon, Inc.

In addition, Mr Hoffmann serves on the board of the following charities: Fondation Corbillettes, Foundation Dubois Ferriere-Dinu Lipatti, Fondation ProValat, INSEAD and Paul Sacher Stiftung. André Hoffmann's main philanthropic interest is in the field of nature conservation. To support his efforts in this field, he chairs the Fondation Internationale du Banc d'Arguin (FIBA) and the Fondation MAVA. He is also Vice-President of the Fondation Tour du Valat and WWF International.