Barry Finestone

Executive DirectorLisa and John Pritzker Family Fund


I grew up in Glasgow Scotland and graduated University in 1990 and left immediately for a job opportunity in the USA where I have live ever since.
I have been a not for profit executive for the most of the past past 25 years apart from a stint in the business work for 6 years. My work has been concentrated on children and/or Jewish Community work running several not for profits in Chicago, New York and San Francisco.

In 2014, I was appointed the as Executive Director or Lisa and John Prirtzker Family Fund which supports organizations and programs at the forefront of children's and adolescent's health and education, Jewish affairs and the arts. Our primary interest is in helping vulnerable populations. We believe that health and education are the building blocks for success.

Currently I reside in San Francisco in with my wife and 3 children.