Soushiant Zangenehpour

AdvisorUniversity of Oxford


Soushiant is the Special Projects Lead at the Skoll Centre. He was formerly the Skoll Centre Manager from 2012-14. His professional experience spans the fields of management and strategy consulting, policy and entrepreneurship. He has helped both non-profit (universities and NGO’s) and for-profit (health care and global extractive industries) clients overcome strategic and operational challenges. In London, he was an Associate at Adam Smith International and Volans, a London-based strategy firm focused on corporate innovation and sustainability, and conducted research on closed loop economic systems while advising clients on opportunities for enhancing corporate sustainability and profitability.

Between 2006 and 2009, Soushiant led a policy program at a Canadian disarmament and non-proliferation think tank (The Simons Centre) exploring the motivations and implications of Iran’s nuclear technology advancements, advising the Canadian government on policy responses.