Read the latest case studies from social innovators in "Orchestrators of Change"
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Zinah Saleh

Founder & CEOIshtar Handmade Soap


i was born and raised in Iraq all of my life, after a long journey to continue my studies during war and worst situation in Iraq i was successful to graduate from business administration at the age of 22 , i started after that working and volunteering in humanitarian organization (Alrawdh) where i focused to help women in need, i found my passion in life which is empowering and helping women in Iraq specially widowed and refugee and displaced women and ending child marriage and help girls go to schools, in 2014 i started my own business (Ishtar) which is a small business to support women by training them and hiring them inside the company , we faced many difficulties as it was the first women business that was self funded , but we were very successful to hire 12 women full time and over 25 women part time all around Iraq , we hired widowed women , women who live in poverty, and young women who want to finish their study , we are working now to increase the number of our shops and hire more women and start the next project which is about supporting the girls in poor families to go to schools and not be married at a young age .

Regional Focus

Middle East and North Africa