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Funding Systems Change: What Can Donors & Doers Learn from Each Other

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Session Description

Many social entrepreneurs (SEs) use a systems mindset to address social problems. Most face challenges in attracting the type of funding needed for a systems change approach. What can donors learn from SEs and each other, and what can SEs learn from donors about funding systems change impact?

This virtual and interactive session will explore:
• The case for pursuing and funding systems change;
• Reasons why donors are attracted or not attracted to supporting systems change;
• Challenges SEs face in attracting funding for systems change;
• What donors can learn from each other and from SEs concerning good practices for supporting systems change;
• What SEs can learn from donors and each other about pursuing systems change; and
• Other related topics

Our panel will consist of both donors and doers, including several who can provide both perspectives.

Tim Hanstad, Chandler Foundation CEO (Moderator)
Olivia Leland, Co-Impact CEO
Cheryl Dorsey, Echoing Green President / Catalyst 2030 President
Jeroo Billamoria, One Family Foundation Founder / Catalyst 2030 Co-Founder
Sofia Michelakis, Giving Pledge Lead and Deputy Director, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Rose Berg, Director of Advocacy & Communications
Jen Ankcorn, Executive Administrator,

Time & Location

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM, Wednesday, April 1, 2020 BST