Pipeline Track (Invest): Supporting Global Crises Leaders

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Session Description

As a global network, Echoing Green has the unique vantage point of supporting solutions enacted across borders and issue areas. Our Fellows are addressing the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic from all angles—whether that’s supporting low-income and uninsured healthcare patients with important tools and templates; offering free educational resources for teachers and caregivers who are dealing with disrupted school and childcare; providing free translation to immigrants, refugees, and non-English speaking communities who are often hardest hit by a massive information gap; or highlighting how unemployment benefits could help those whose jobs are impacted by COVID-19.

Join Echoing Green to discuss what early-stage social entrepreneurs need in order to pivot and survive during crises, how funders can support small and emerging organizations, and what resources these leaders need to be equipped to confront future global crises.

Time & Location

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM, Tuesday, March 31, 2020 BST

Host & Recording

Echoing Green