Marc Koska

FounderSafePoint Trust


Marc Koska OBE is the inventor of the K1 and following Auto-Disable syringes, the founder of Safepoint Trust (a UK-registered charity) and a highly regarded advocate around the world for needle safety in both immunisation and therapeutic sectors. Marc’s engineering company StarTek leads the world in syringe manufacturing consultancy.

His mission in life is the mandatory use of auto-disable syringes globally, to reduce cross-infection through dirty needles and needle-stick injuries, the world’s ninth biggest killer annually. If needles cannot be used twice, this tragic man-made cause of death and illness can be prevented completely.

Marc has spent nearly twenty years promoting the use of any Auto-Disable device and persuading the global health community of the enormous benefits of a switch in terms of lives saved – over a million and a half every year – and healthcare costs saved – over half a billion dollars annually.

He has created successful behavioral change / public safety campaigns – for example in India, where in 2008 Safepoint Trust created One Injection One Syringe - one of the largest ever public health campaigns in India, leading to mandatory use of auto-disable syringes in all governmental and subsequently all private hospitals. More recently Marc and the SafePoint Trust have catapulted safe injections to the top of the international health agenda, as on 23 February 2015, Margaret Chan, DG WHO announced a new global policy on injection safety.