Molly Melching of Tostan: Dignity for All


  • Founder, Tostan
    I’m so excited to join in the vibrant dance of the Skoll World Forum this year. I am the Founder and Creative Director of Tostan, an NGO which implements a holistic, 3-year empowering education program in national languages that has engaged over 3,000 rural African communities in themes of democracy, human rights, health, literacy, and project management skills. The program has led to over 20,000 rural women holding leadership posts and over 9,500 communities in eight African countries publicly declaring their commitment to abandon harmful traditional practices. Molly and Tostan have received international recognition for their successful work in the areas of health, literacy, social entrepreneurship, social norm transformation and human rights education including: Government of Senegal’s Knight of the National Order of the Lion, Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship, The Thomas J. Dodd Prize in International Justice and Human Rights, The Conrad Hilton Humanitarian Prize, and UNESCO’