Join us in the Journey to Transformation: A new series

Understanding the Landscape and Defining the Opportunity: From Study to Initiative

October 11, 2015

Smallholder production is still currently characterized by low yields, poor quality, unreliable market linkages, and little access to finance. To highlight both the enormous need for finance in the sector, and evidence of the effectiveness of innovative solutions, the Skoll Foundation and Citi Foundation supported Catalyzing Smallholder Agricultural Finance, by Dalberg Global Development Advisors, to address a fundamental question:

What is the size and state of the market? The report presents five pathways to scale financial solutions sufficient to meet the need.

Emphasizing the power of collaborative work by donors, investors, financial services providers, buyers, and other value chain actors, this report is changing the global conversation about small farming, and catalyzed the launch of the Initiative for Smallholder Finance.

Skoll and Citi have welcomed new partners to this collaborative including the Ford Foundation, KFW Development Bank, MasterCard Foundation, and USAID, to build and share knowledge about what works and how, and to support ongoing innovation.


Catalyzing Smallholder Agricultural Finance

Find out more about the report.

Learn more about the landscape and what can be done to make it more effective in the infographic below from Dalberg and the Initiative for Smallholder Finance (click for full resolution).


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