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How We’re Improving Sustainability at Skoll World Forum 2020

December 16, 2019

By Jill Ultan - Skoll Foundation

9,000 disposable cups used in a week! That’s the total used in our primary venue during the 2019 Skoll World Forum, despite the complimentary insulated tumbler given to each delegate. So why did delegates use so many disposable cups if we all had our own reusable cup? Our theory is that delegates used the insulated tumbler for coffee or tea and then chose disposable cups for water. Or vice versa. Whatever the reason, that’s a heck of a lot of one-time-use cups consumed for a four-day conference.

image of two hands holding reusable water bottles with text overlay: So here’s our ask of you, dear delegates: PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN WATER BOTTLES AND COFFEE TUMBLERS TO THIS YEAR’S SKOLL WORLD FORUM

Not only do we feel compelled to do something about the disposable cup dilemma, but also to cut down on the amount of stuff we produce and give away. We’ll provide the coffee, tea, water stations, and the bottle cleaning stations as usual. You bring your own containers. If you forget, we will have water glasses and ceramic coffee mugs on-site. If you are still in desperate need of a reusable tumbler or bottle—or just love your Skoll World Forum swag—we will have a limited supply of Forum branded products on-site available for a suggested donation. Proceeds will go to organizations working to keep our oceans clean.

What about the air travel carbon footprint for 1200 delegates?

image of airplane with trailing emissions with text overlay: Offsetting all the air travel for our attendees equals a total of 1311 metric tons of CO2. It is equivalent to the CO2 emissions of charging over 167 million smart phones.

We recognize the irony that any annual in-person gathering like the Skoll World Forum contributes to harmful emissions. We also believe that a convening of entrepreneurs and innovators advancing solutions to the world’s most pressing problems—including solutions to the climate crisis—leads to transformational change. Welcoming and embracing diverse voices from across the globe at the Forum is a priority for us, and one we know is top of mind for our delegates as well.

To that end, the Skoll Foundation will cover offsets for the entire conference’s carbon footprint, including carbon emission calculations for delegate air travel from over 100 countries.

Vegetarian + Sustainable Fish = Pescatarian Diet

Image of salmon filet and vegetables with text overlay: By focusing on a pescatarian diet and eliminating red meat, we will save as much as 14 metric tons of CO2 as well as 2 million gallons of water.

What’s another way to lessen our environmental impact? Saying so long to red meat and chicken. We are keenly aware that livestock production is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. To that end, we are eliminating beef and chicken from our menus.

Meals at all Skoll-hosted events will be a mostly plant-based diet of whole grains, nuts, legumes (such as beans, peas, and lentils), fruits, vegetables, some dairy and eggs, with sustainable seafood playing a role as a protein source.

Bye-Bye Printed Program

Image of paper crumbled into balls with text overlay: By eliminating the printed program, we will save almost 2 metric tons of carbon and reduce 10,100 gallons of water needed to produce 862 lbs. of paper.

Printed programs are becoming a thing of the past everywhere, and so is ours. For the past 16 years, the Skoll World Forum has produced a beautiful, four-color printed program. Everyone took one, and delegates often came back later for a second program after leaving the first one behind in their hotel room. Admit it, you’ve probably done that too! That’s a lot of trees. Even with the recycled paper and soy-based inks we carefully chose, its production has affected our carbon footprint year over year.

So, what’s the plan for 2020? We will offer an easy-to-use printed “passport,” which will include a map of Oxford and key details. It’s a small booklet that fits inside your name-badge holder. What about the other significant details that used to be in the now retired 72-page printed program? Nearly all event information can be found on the Skoll World Forum mobile app!

Not only do we hope to reduce our carbon footprint, but we also hope to increase mobile app adoption. Sign up for the SWF mobile app when it becomes available in February 2020 and you will have all the latest, detailed information. Wi-Fi is plentiful throughout Oxford for updates to the native mobile app. You can also access event information on the website and at the information desk if traveling without a smartphone.

Enhanced Sustainability at the Skoll World Forum

The Skoll Foundation’s vision is to live in a sustainable world of peace and prosperity for all. We are excited to introduce these new elements to improve the sustainability of the Skoll World Forum. We are happy to have you drop us a note with questions, comments, or resources. Please put “SWF Sustainability” in the subject and send it to

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