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Resilience Beyond COVID-19 in West Africa

November 6, 2020


In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic brought about big changes for Tostan, the West Africa-based organization that has partnered with communities at the grassroots for almost 30 years to empower, develop, and fulfill their vision of wellbeing. It made the difficult decision to suspend all field activities in its five focus countries (The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Senegal) for the duration of the emergency.

Children wearing masks in the community of Saare Demba, Medina Yoro Foulah department, Kolda region, Senegal
Children wearing masks in the community of Saare Demba, Medina Yoro Foulah department, Kolda region, Senegal

All field staff had to leave the partner communities where they were living and return home. Tostan rapidly implemented a COVID-19 response contingency plan aimed at providing community members with life-saving information on the virus, delivered in the local languages and in a culturally appropriate manner. The ultimate goal of the contingency plan was to curb the virus spread and to protect lives.

To that end, Tostan implemented a series of measures:

Developed and distributed COVID-19 informational brochures in 13 languages

Tostan developed two brochures with key COVID-19 prevention messages. Illustrations depicted local housing, practices, and dress and advice was tailored to address any social norms that may be affected by the virus. One brochure offers culturally relevant information and illustrations about the virus transmission and prevention; and one discussing an Islamic perspective on the virus. Both versions of the brochures have been widely distributed to partner communities and are also available free to download from Tostan’s website.

Woman reading Tostan COVID19 informational brochure in Saare Demba, Medina Yoro Foulah department, Kolda region, Senegal
Woman reading Tostan COVID19 informational brochure in Saare Demba, Medina Yoro Foulah department, Kolda region, Senegal

“You brought us books here that will help us and we are happy because we can read and share with everyone in the village. We are studying what coronavirus is, how it is transmitted and how we can prevent the illness which is so important. Everyone is reading the booklets.”

– Marieme B., Community Management Committee, Village of Soudiane, Senegal

Broadcasted radio programs to inform Tostan partner communities

In addition to providing basic information on coronavirus transmission and prevention, Tostan radio programs covered topics such as community-government collaboration during the pandemic, religious texts that reinforce public health measures, and education in the time of COVID.

Radio host at Medina Yoro Foulah FM, a community radio station for development in the Kolda region, Senegal
Radio host at Medina Yoro Foulah FM, a community radio station for development in the Kolda region, Senegal

“We became prevention ambassadors, and we were able to reach those really at the margin. We were able to leverage the local leadership that has proven to be so resilient and so adaptable to spread this information. We saw that really speaking with people and not at people—and I’m adapting the words of Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr, the mayor of Freetown, as she reflected on her experience in the Ebola crisis, ‘we needed to speak under the baobab tree and not with the megaphone.'”

– Elena Bonometti, CEO of Tostan

Collected data to inform programming 

Working with IDinsight, a global analytics organization, Tostan gathered data to better understand the knowledge, attitudes, and practices around COVID in the areas where Tostan is working. This information will inform future work and also help in better understanding what makes communities resilient.

Pivoted the entire Tostan organization to working remotely

COVID-19 is reshaping the way the world works. Although field operations were paused, Tostan staff continued to work effectively using digital tools. We were able to keep all of our staff fully employed.

Children from Medina Yoro Foulah Youth Council attending a computer class at the Research and Testing Center, Senegal
Children from Medina Yoro Foulah Youth Council attending a computer class at the Research and Testing Center, Senegal

Continued to convene thought leaders on timely topics

Tostan actively engaged new audiences and strengthened the organization’s position as a key thought leader in prominent online speaking events such as the World Skoll Forum, WISE Up Series, World Humanitarian Forum Hybrid Summit, and African Philanthropy Forum. Tostan’s CEO, Elena Bonometti, also hosted a three part webinar series featuring systems change in the face of COVID, including the strategies Tostan implemented in the field.

Visit Tostan for more information about their latest initiatives and opportunities for support. 

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