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Client Centred Impact Thru Client Driven Data

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Session Description

All decent organisations say that they put clients at the centre of what they do. But how much power do they give their clients? And if they do cede power to their clients, what is the nature of that power? In this session, we will explore concrete experiences and practices of client centred impact where power is characterised by the ability to drive, produce, verify and use outcome data, to hold programmes to account, and to influence their priorities and design.

Proposed contributors:

Fredrik Galtung, TrueFootprint, UK
Gisela Solymos from the Centre for Nutritional Recovery and Education, Brasil
Martin Burt, Poverty Stoplight, Paraguay
Shona McDonald, Shonaquip, South Africa

Time & Location

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM, Wednesday, April 1, 2020 BST

Host & Recording
