
Transformational social change depends on dialogue and engagement with a range of voices. We want to hear yours.

Attend the Skoll World Forum

The Skoll World Forum returns to Oxford and online from April 9-12, 2024. In the spirit of collective action, we’re convening our growing network to collaborate on social change from wherever we sit.

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Tell Us About Your Work

We cultivate a global network of people and organizations working towards transformational social change. If that sounds like you or someone you know, we’re eager to hear more.

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Student solves a math problem at a Pratham class in India
Michael Onyango, Govt. of Kenya, exchanges information with delegates at the 2019 Skoll World Forum

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Recommend outstanding social innovators

The Skoll Foundation cultivates a global network of people and organizations working toward transformational social change. Please fill out the form below to tell us about your work or refer other social innovators.

News and Perspectives
Alasdair Harris accepts the Skoll Award for Blue Ventures
Explore Our Community

Showing all (3667) Forum Attendees and Organizations.

Aaron Bartnick

Senior Associate, Macro Advisory Partners

Aaron Huey

Founder, Amplifier

Aaron Pereira

Project Leader, Wellbeing Project

Aaron Samuels

COO, Co-Founder, Blavity