Join us in the Journey to Transformation: A new series

Carlos Aguiló

Operating OfficerGotas


The world is changing at an ever faster pace, economic models, institutions and societies must prepare for an increasingly complex, diverse and changing reality. Since I was young I have had a fascination for understanding the social, political and economic reality that surrounds us. I consider that for the minds that are "softwired" by the internet, understanding the complexity and interdependence of factors has been practically intuitive.

I like to think that it is possible to be focused on the present while keeping an eye on our possible futures. I have embraced strategic planning and prospective analysis tools to seek to inject strategic thinking into innovative projects of a different nature. At the same time, I have been captivated by the formation of high-performance teams and the possibility of building decision support systems for organizations and desition makers. In the last 7 years I have been implementing strategic innovation in contexts of crisis and high uncertainty. Currently focused on the regional scaling of a "Tech & Impact Portafolio" of companies and projects for Latin America.