Join us in the Journey to Transformation: A new series

Drew Lisac

VP External AffairsGlobal Footprint Network


Drew is Vice President of External Affairs at Global Footprint Network. With over 20 years of leadership in social enterprise, academia, and start-ups, Drew is an early and award winning social entrepreneur. As a Dean at Stanford University, a co-founder of two consulting firms, and in public service he has worked with diverse teams to create social change. His achievements include the first internet advocacy campaign in history (watershed protection), the first urban greenbelt campaign, one of the first start-up internet incubators, and indigenous peoples’ control of natural resources around the globe.

Since 2001, Drew has worked solely in public service as an angel investor, social entrepreneur, and fundraiser. He has served as a philanthropic advisor for many corporations and donors, raising millions for public projects. As an expert on the integration of economic and environmental systems worldwide, he helped fund and organize the 2010 Mega Regional Conference on economic growth and the 2011 White House Forum on Entrepreneurship. For this leadership, he was received the National Council on Education’s Award of Merit, commendation from the Bay Area Philanthropy Awards, and honors from a wide variety of local, regional, and national governments.