Trained myself in surgery and have practiced Voluntary Surgical Contraception in World's first Family Planning National Program in India for the last 33 years. I am a national and international trainer for NSV. I was nominated by the Government of India to be trained by author of the NSV procedure in 1999. I have had landmark achievements in this specialization, including a National Award by the Government of India. On job experience of three decades spanning primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare, taught me that it took a family for a patient to recover. India's provincial Government of Punjab appointed me as the nodal officer for implementing the Care Companion Program from its inception till I superannuated early 2023. Training and implementing methodology applied in Punjab has been a model that was replicated by Noora Health. Have been active in generating awareness to eschew sex selective practices to achieve SDG-5 goal for Gender Equality. Mission is to touch more lives.