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Adrien Sindayigaya

Country Director - BurundiSearch for Common Ground


Adrien Sindayigaya is a media expert and peace builder. He has been a Search for Common Ground ( SFCG) ’s Media Development Advisor and Trainer and has led media, governance and accountability, capacity building and community peace-building programs until September 2016. He provided senior-level technical assistance to SFCG and its partners’ programs throughout Africa, including journalism training, media sector analysis and program management. Adrien is a journalist by training with 18 years of experience working with SFCG, and has also worked with the BBC and Voice of America and other prominent media organisations. He supervised journalism and communications training Africa-wide between 2012 and 2015. In Côte d’Ivoire as part of a World Bank-funded, SFCG-implemented capacity building program focused on strengthening public communication on government reform, working with civil society, media outlets, and government and Adrien played a great role. In Ethiopia, Adrien trained radio stations as part of a USAID-funded programme using strategic communications to prevent gender-based violence in Amhara region. In Chad, he led SFCG’s European Union-funded communications and governance work aimed at enhancing the role of local media outlets in strengthening accountability of local service providers. Previous technical assistance assignments included conducting media sector mapping and analysis in Madagascar, Mozambique, Niger, Burkina Faso and designing SFCG’s multi-pronged conflict transformation programmes in Rwanda. He also lead curriculum development for SFCG’s Radio for Peacebuilding: Africa programme, which focuses on developing communications and journalism training material for journalists and media professionals across the continent. In 2013, Adrien led a training for Senegalese journalists in Dakar in the techniques of investigating and reporting corruption.