Join us in the Journey to Transformation: A new series

Allison Archambault

PresidentEarthSpark International


Allison Archambault , president of EarthSpark International since 2010, won the US Department of Energy’s 2017 C3E International Award for her 15 years of work driving innovation in energy access in Haiti. Under her direction, EarthSpark has launched vanguard community-scale solar-powered smart grids in Haiti and contributed national market research to fundamentally shift the energy access trajectory of the country towards clean energy microgrids. EarthSpark has also launched 3 companies including SparkMeter, a smart grid technology company now active in 25 countries.

After writing her undergraduate thesis on rural solar electrification in Mali, she began renting solar panels in the Dominican Republic in 2003. From 2005-2008, she ran the Renewable Energy Partners Program for an early smart-grid startup which was building distributed solar+storage solutions in the US. Allison also worked with 3TIER, Inc. to promote the role of advanced weather prediction modelling for efficient siting and forecasting of large-scale renewables. Allison was lead author of WWF’s 2012 report “Solar PV Atlas: Solar Power in Harmony with Nature – Towards 100% Renewable Energy” and has authored and co-authored several other technical and opinion pieces. Her development and implementation of 'Feminist Electrification' in EarthSpark business models won the 2018 UNFCCC Momentum for Change Award.

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