Amy Guterman

Director, Impact LabsSalesforce.Com Inc.


Amy believes in the power of design to create positive change in the world. At Impact Labs, she leads a collaborative program to co-design innovative technology solutions that address the toughest social issues facing us today. To date, Amy’s work has focused on addressing complex, ambiguous problems by surfacing and translating stakeholder insights into strategic visions and scalable technology solutions in the social sector. Prior to joining Salesforce, Amy led cross-disciplinary innovation programs across a range of subject matter from the private and public sectors. The programs she led leveraged open innovation methodology and ethnographic research to tackle challenges ranging from reducing violence in Chicago to redesigning health information systems in low to moderate income countries. Her work has been featured in publications such as Forbes, FastCo, Wired, and The Verge and recognized internationally by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the White House.