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Arthur Wood

Founding PartnerTotal Impact Capital


Arthur is TOTAL's (formerly known as Total Impact Advisors) Founding Partner in Europe. Over his career he has held senior positions in both "for profit" . Arthur is a recognized innovator in social finance and frequently invited to speak and write on innovative financing vehicles for social purposes. Historically he has or does sit on a number of boards / or in an advisory capacity including the WEF Social Finance Agenda Council, OECD Special Advisors Group to the G8 Impact Report, European B Corp Advisory Board, Big Issue Invest (UK) , Ecolint (Suisse) , Nexi (S Africa) , PeePoo (Sweden)

Prior to his current role at TOTAL he was SVP and a Leadership Group Member of Ashoka, the world's largest supporter of social entrepreneurs. At Ashoka he was Global Head of Social Financial Services, and a Leadership Group Member serving in DC, New York and London. Since 2005 he has been involved in the conceptualisation or origination of many of the ideas in Impact investing - including Social Impact Bonds, The Ashoka / DB Eye Fund (top 20 idea of New Philanthropy - Fast Company) - one of the first layered funding structures, metric frameworks including the Social Progress Index. His greatest pleasure is in working with ground breaking Social Entrepreneurs, Corporate and Institutions who have large scale ideas for change. As a former Banker specialising in Product development and Change management Arthur has been instrumental in encouraging major global finance firms including JP Morgan to enter the business of social investing. He is also deeply involved in the conceptualization and creation of new legal / financial hybrid structures to encourage equitable social investment -. One of his current focus is working with leading lawyers, Accenture, Sphaera (technology) in blending his knowledge of Finance / legal frameworks and IT to create genuine Outcome models. Educated LSE, HEC , Merill Lynch and SDA Bocconi, Married to a Norwegian, three children and a Labrador