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Beto Borges

Director, Communities & Territorial Governance InitiativeForest Trends Association


Beto Borges serves as Director of the Communities and Territorial Governance Initiative at Forest Trends. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource Management from UC Berkeley and an MBA in Strategic Leadership from Dominican University focused on corporate social responsibility. He has over 35 years of experience working with indigenous and other local communities in the Amazon and elsewhere in Latin America to benefit from climate and conservation finance in recognition of their rights and forest stewardship. He co-developed several community-based sustainable forest value chain initiatives, co-led the Surui Carbon Project, the first indigenous REDD+ project, double validated by VCS and CCBA, and contributed to setting social safeguards and benefit sharing mechanism for Acre’s SISA Jurisdictional Program, among other initiatives. Previously Beto led important work for Rainforest Action Network, Goldman Environmental Prize, Shamam Pharmaceuticals, among others.