Read the latest case studies from social innovators in "Orchestrators of Change"
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Blanca Sánchez

PresidentMbis Bin Semilla Para La Siembra


My name is Blanca Sánchez, I am of Zapotec origin and was born in San Miguel Suchixtepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. I studied Rural Development Planning at Centro de Estudios para el Desarrllo Rural (CESDER), in Puebla, Mexico. I am the co-founder and President of Mbis Bin AC, a community conservation enterprise dedicated to the research, development and elaboration of agroecological products and provides trainings to promote sustainable agriculture. Mbis Bin AC is part of a conservation programme by IKEA Social Entrepreneurship which is developing a model to improve the livelihoods of rural communities through conservation and agroecological practices. This programme benefits 13 CEEs are mainly dedicated to agriculture and plant production for reforestation through agroecological practices that contribute to landscape restauration and freshwater conservation, including Mbis Bin. My organisation also plays a role in this programme by providing agroecology workshops to the CCEs involved.