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Carlos Souza, Jr.

Associate ResearcherImazon

Skoll Awardee


Carlos Souza Jr. holds a bachelor's degree in geology from Pará State Federal University, Brazil, an M.Sc. in soil science from Penn State University, US, and a Ph.D. in geography from the University of California Santa Barbara, US. He is currently an associate researcher at Imazon, where he focuses on remote sensing for mapping and monitoring forests, forest degradation, land use and land cover change, surface water monitoring, and spatial modeling. Dr. Souza Jr. has co-authored over 100 journal articles, conference papers, and book chapters. He is also the co-founder of Terras App, an IT company that provides solutions for sustainable landscapes, and the MapBiomas Institute, IAMap. Dr. Souza Jr. has been honored with the Skoll Award and is a Mulago Foundation Fellow.

Regional Focus

South America

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