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Charlotte Oades

Global Vice President Women's Economic EmpowermentCoca-Cola Company


As The Coca-Cola Company's Global Vice President for Women's Economic Empowerment, Charlotte is leading the development and implementation of the Company's global strategy in this important area. This includes the ambitious 5by20 initiative to enable the economic empowerment of 5 million women entrepreneurs by 2020.

During her tenure at Coca-Cola, Charlotte has had a series of leading roles in Marketing, Public Affairs & Communications, and General Management. She brings significant worldwide experience to her role having risen through national and international roles in Europe, North America and the Pacific.

Charlotte is a member of the International Leadership Team for Business in the Community, a Fellow of: The Marketing Society, The Institute of Grocery Distribution and the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts; a member of the Marketing Group of Great Britain and Women in Advertising and Communications in London. She is listed among Marketing Week’s “Vision 100”, Fast Company’s “Most Creative People in Business 1000” and “League of Extraordinary Women” and Newsweek’s “150 Women Who Shake the World”. Charlotte is a founder member of the Women's Leadership Council of The Coca-Cola Company.