Co-founder of / Obama scholar @columbia University / Ashoka fellow
Global issues such as climate change, poverty, and food security require local solutions developed in partnership with a global community of citizens, governments and businesses. In 2010, after traveling through Asia to experience on-the-ground social entrepreneurship, I realized there was a missing link; people want to help but do not know how. For this reason I created makesense: the catalyst for all people to collectively make positive impact. 10 years later, the makesense community is made up of 2,500 trained community organizers who engaged 200,000 citizens that co-created 8,000+ grassroots initiatives addressing social and environmental issues. Our initiatives have impacted more than 4 million lives and we worked with more than a 100 institutions.
The number “4 million” means a lot, and each life has a value that cannot be quantified. I come from French Polynesia, a country whose population is only 300,000. While makesense’s work spans across 45 countries, my most heartfelt impact has been at home addressing sustainability and promoting youth leadership.
Our next ambition for the next 10 years : involve 10% of the 18-35 years old in taking action to create change. Our plan to makesense it happen on
COVID : See how we leverage makesense to provide a community lead/Bottom-up covid-response effort in 6 countries accross the world.