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Christine Schuler Deschryver

DirectorCity of Joy


Christine Schuler Deschryver is Co-Founder and Director of the City of Joy and V-Day Congo Director and the national coordinator of “one billion rising”. She is also the vice President of Panzi Foundation DRC. Christine has called Bukavu her home all her life. As Director of V-Day Congo, City of Joy, and VWorld farm, she oversees all aspects of V-Day’s work on the ground in the DRCongo, including the City of Joy and coordinating campaign activities on the local, provincial, and national levels. After her best friend was murdered in 1998, Christine devoted her life to the women of DRCongo and to ending ‘sexual terrorism.’ She is an internationally renowned human rights activist who has worked as a teacher, an administrator for CARE CANADA, and for 13 years during the wars, she was responsible for the German Technical Cooperation (all the projects in eastern DRC), where she oversaw during the war a staff of over 300. She was named one of The Guardian’s Women of the Year for 2011 and travels widely advocating for Congolese women’s rights and the plundering of DRC. She did the first documentary «Congo, un combat pour la vie» France 2 envoyé spécial in 2003 to denounce the silent genocide in DRC and did many others after the success of it.