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Connie Moon Sehat

Contributor, Credibility Coalition; NewsFrames DirectorGlobal Voices


Connie's current two roles allow her to address the challenges of perspectives and misinformation around news quality. First, as Director of the NewsFrames Initiative at Global Voices (, she is leading the development of resources and software for collaborative media analysis that includes datasets for trends in media framing. Second, as a Contributor to the Credibility Coalition, she participates in the development of an indicator schema for reliable information and the testing of application in news articles.

Overall, Dr. Sehat's work has focused on the intersections of computing and democratic life, whether dissertating in German history, developing International Space Station software, or working on projects like the bibliographic Zotero (, the New Orleans Research Collaborative (, and ELMO (election monitoring and more at Previously, she has worked for The Carter Center, Emory University, and The Center for History and New Media at George Mason University.

Regional Focus

Europe, North America