Dana Lanza, Co-Founder, President and CEO
Dana co-founded Confluence Philanthropy in 2009 with an ambition to accelerate the flow of private capital to environmental and social equity challenges. Today Confluence is a membership network of private, public, and community foundations; family offices; individual donors; and their values-aligned investment advisors representing more than $95 billion in philanthropic assets under management, and over $4 trillion in managed capital. Dana previously served as the Executive Director at the Environmental Grantmakers Association (EGA) where she provided networking services to over 250 grantmaking organizations from across North America and Europe. As a director, Dana worked with the Rockefeller Family Fund and led a then 20-year-old EGA into an independent 501c3 organization. Dana also served as the first Director and Board Advisor to The Swift Foundation, making over $4 million in grants internationally for indigenous communities and climate