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David Brancaccio

Host/Senior Editor at NOWPBS


Since joining NOW in 2003, award-winning journalist David Brancaccio has delivered hard-hitting reports on government secrecy, the future of America’s public schools, the plight of America’s workers, the influence of talk radio on public policy, and the future of the environment. His interviews with leading figures like George Soros, Azar Nafisi, Bernard Henri-Levy, Constance Rice, and Michael Eric Dyson have provided viewers with unique perspectives. A broadcaster for 28 years, David spent 13 years at Marketplace. Before becoming host, he served in London as the European editor of the programme. He has contributed to CNN, CNBC, and Wall Street Week with Fortune on PBS. His print work has appeared in such periodicals as The Wall Street Journal, Psychology Today, and Journalism and Mass Communication Educator.