Read the latest case studies from social innovators in "Orchestrators of Change"
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David L. Bishop

Principal LecturerUniversity of Hong Kong


David Bishop is a Principal Lecturer at the University of Hong Kong and Fudan University, Shanghai. He has broad legal experience in the United States and across Asia, particularly China. Mr. Bishop's teaching focuses on a wide range of legal, ethics, and social enterprise related matters. His Social Venture Management Internship Program at HKU is one of the largest social enterprise internship programs in Asia, and has successfully aided and incubated multiple high-profile, early stage social enterprises.

Mr. Bishop is also the founder or co-founder of multiple social businesses in Hong Kong, including Soap Cycling, a company recycling used hotel soap to enhance the lives of disadvantaged communities around Asia, and Fair Employment Agency, an employment agency focused on overcoming the exploitation of migrant laborers.