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Delilah Anita Owiti

Postgraduate studying Environment & DevelopmentEdinburgh University


“The surest way to keep people down is to educate the men and neglect the women. If you educate a man you simply educate an individual, but if you educate a woman, you educate a whole nation" James Emman Kwegyir Aggrey - Ghana

Delilah Anita Owiti, Kenyan, is a young professional and enthusiastic leader passionate about the environment and its sustainability. She holds an undergraduate degree in Environmental Science from Egerton University, Kenya, and is currently pursuing a Masters in Environment and Development at the University of Edinburgh as a MasterCard Foundation Scholar; the first of its kind in the UK. She is also a registered Environmental Impact Assessment expert, carrying out feasibility studies prior to project developments in environmentally sensitive areas to measure the potential environmental damage and where possible, provide mitigation measures.

Growing up as a member of the Girl Guide society, courage and assertion were her pillars in inculcating responsibility. Her passion is being at the fore front in environmental protection and conservation in all spheres. Embarking on tree planting and solid waste management activities in her community, she was awarded the “most environmentally sensitive student during her undergraduate studies. This developed her interest to further investigate why the environment is usually neglected and find ways to move communities towards sustainable development.

She has developed her skills over internship periods at National Environment Management Authority and Kenya Marine Fisheries Institute, where she was actively involved in community awareness programmes and compliance related issues. As a volunteer events’ organiser at Food sharing Edinburgh, she has managed to interact with the wider Edinburgh community. These events have also taught her money saving skills through planned food shopping and storage. Being in the spotlight has enabled her gain valuable leadership and communication skills over time as she strives to be a transformative leader.

Her time in Edinburgh has enabled her realize multifaceted approaches towards life in general. The number of friends she has made through social events have greatly exposed her to a diversity of cultures while appreciating and embracing them. Especially at a time when the whole world seems to be unstable politically. Nonetheless, she believes that if change is to happen, then it would start with/ by her. You will always catch her doing what she knows best, playing lawn tennis, during her free time. She also has a great affinity to music and hopes to be a professional pianist in future.

Her greatest desire is to create an impact wherever her foot steps on. Making Kenya and Africa as a whole develop sustainably are part of her plan by helping her peers, tomorrow’s leaders, rise above her and make lasting impressions amongst generations to come in all spheres of life.