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Eduarda La Rocque

PresidentPereira Passos Institute


Eduarda La Rocque is President of the Instituto Pereira Passos (IPP); part of Rio de Janeiro’s Municipal Government. The IPP supports public policy, urban planning and strategy by applying information, including mapping, geo-referencing and social, economic, demographic and geographic data analysis. The IPP also coordinates strategic projects to improve living conditions, increase civic participation and improve public sector management. IPP's flagship project, Rio+Social, promotes urban, social and economic integration of pacified favelas (slums) by quantifying and articulating local demand, coordinating municipal government services and promoting inter-government integration. Previously Eduarda was Secretary of Finance for Rio’s Municipal Government where she led the fiscal reforms that enabled Rio to achieve investment grade status. This enhanced investment and public-private partnerships opportunities as Rio prepared to host the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games. IPP’s new challenge is to leverage these mega-events to ensure a lasting social legacy. Eduarda holds a PhD in Economics from PUC-Rio, is a former partner at BBM bank and founder of the company RiskControl.