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Feliciano dos Santos

DirectorESTAMOS Organização Comunitária


Feliciano dos Santos was born on June 9, 1964 in Niassa Province, northern Mozambique. Married father of six children. Executive Director of ESTAMOS, a Mozambican NGO working on water and sanitation projects, natural resources, HIV and AIDS, and good governance. Winner of Goldman Environmental Prize in 2008 for his social activism and promotion of good sanitation practices in particular ecological sanitation. By National Geographic, is selected as Emerging Explorer in 2010 for the promotion of hand washing with features music and other innovative ways. The same year by AmcowAfricaSan selected as Grassroots Champion of sanitation in Africa. This latest award was extended to his Massukos group applauded internationally. With the group conducts health and sustainable use of natural resources campaigns. His group already recorded 3 albums; the songs speak of issues of poverty, health and education, and in particular about sanitation and washing hands.