Francesco Piazzesi

CEOEchale a Tu Casa


Francesco Piazzesi, who grew up in Mexico is deeply passionate about home ownership and community building for the poorest of the poor. Piazzesi founded in 1985 Adobe Home Aid, a non-profit that teaches communities how to make robust construction materials out of 90% natural earth. After writing his PhD dissertation on “Sustainable Housing Microfinance Mortgage”, realized that community building and home ownership requires other components, such as social capital, financial literacy and credit instruments, in 1997 Piazzesi transformed Adobe Home Aid, a non-profit into a social business named Echale a Tu Casa. Echale´s social impact has reach 200 thousand families. The program provides social inclusion, technology and technical training, financial education, jobs creation, economic spill over and community development. At the end of 2019 Echale started to build -in south east Mexico- the first rural community that fulfils 16 of the 17 and 3D printed homes. The Echale program has received Katerva Sustainability Award, World Housing Award, National Housing Award, Clinton Global and Schwab foundation recognition and B Corp “Best for the World”