PhD in Management (2023), Master in Management (2018) and Bachelor in Public Administration (2015) from the State University of Santa Catarina (Udesc Esag). Career focused on the third sector, social management and citizenship. Co-founder of the Brazilian Head and Neck Cancer Association (ACBG Brasil) and Politize! - Civic Education Institute and Executive Director in both organizations. Fellow of several programs, networks and prizes: Movimento Choice (Artemísia/2013), Guerreiros Sem Armas (Instituto Elos/2014), Social Good Brasil Lab (2015), Red Bull Amaphiko (2017), Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative (YLAI/2017), Facebook Community Leadership Program (FCLP/2018), One Young World (OYW/2022), Folha Empreendedor Social Award (2022), Forbes Under 30 (2022), Democracy Fellowship Cohort (Keseb/2023), MIT Solve (2023), Innovators Under 35 (MIT Technology Review/2023) and Rede de Líderes Fundação Lemann (2023).