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Gargee Ghosh

Director, Development Policy and FinanceBill & Melinda Gates Foundation


Gargee Ghosh leads the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s international policy team as Director of Development Policy & Finance. The team develops and funds innovative ideas to make finance more effective in solving the problems of extreme poverty around the world. The team also oversees Gates Foundation relationships with multilateral development banks, aid policy bodies, and economic decision-makers in the developing world. Gargee previously held senior positions at and in the international development practice of McKinsey & Company, as well as at the Center for Global Development. She has also worked in the Gates Foundation’s Global Health division, where she helped launch the Foundation’s first significant blended finance deals. Gargee recently completed a two-year term on President Obama’s Global Development Council and she sits on the U.S. board of Camfed. She holds a graduate degree in economics from the University of Oxford and in international relations from Georgetown University, and a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Victoria in Canada. She is based in the Foundation’s Washington, D.C. office where she lives with her husband and two young children.