Inês Mindlin Lafer – with a degree in Psychology, post degree in psychoanalysis and in Human Rights and master in Public Administration, Inês is working for more than 20 years on the public and nonprofit field. Since 2011 she leads Instituto Betty e Jacob Lafer, a grantmaking family foundation, which she also helped to create. She founded Confluentes, an initiative to increase individual donations to strategic causes and to create a network of people committed with social change in Brazil. She is Chairperson of GIFE’s Board (the Brazilian association of Institutes, foundations and companies) and also board member of other NGOs such as Casa do Povo, Fundação Ema Klabin e Instituto Tomie Otake. Inês actively participates in forums and events centered on social change and has been a featured speaker on topics like the Future of Philanthropy, Donor Culture, Strategic Philanthropy.
She is partner of Shoshana, a Jewish restaurant in a cool and traditional neighborhood in São Paulo.