Isabelle Kamariza is the Founder and President of Solid’Africa, a Rwandan social enterprise, founded in 2010 whose primary goal is to provide meals to low-income patients in public hospitals as food is not covered by public health insurance. Through five programs, the organization provides three medically-tailored meals, hygienic products and other services with the goal to accelerate patient recovery process, preserve patient's dignity and promote equity. She was the recipient of the Young African Women Leaders Forum Award, a CYRWA (Celebrating Young Rwandan Achievers) awardee. In 2018 she was recognized by the Queen Elizabeth II as the 55th Point of Light Awardee. She is the 2019 Segal Family Foundation’s System Innovator Awardee. She is also an Aspen New Voices Fellow and a One Young World Ambassador. Most recently, she has been the recipient of the Forbes Woman Africa Social Impact Award 2021.