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Judith Samuelson

Executive Director, BSPAspen Institute


Judy Samuelson created the Aspen Business and Society Program (BSP) in 1998. Aspen BSP respects the power of business to shape the long-term health of society, and works to align business decisions with the public good. It engages leaders and social intrapreneurs -- from MBAs to CEOs -- in dialogue, networks and public programs that put common sense decision-making at the heart of business practice and education.

Before Aspen, Judy led the Ford Foundation's office of Program Related-Investments. She has also been a middle-market banker in New York's garment center for Bankers Trust Company, and a lobbyist and legislative aide in her home state of California, working on health and education issues.

Judy studied Political Science and Art History at UCLA and has a Master's Degree from the Yale School of Management. She is on the Board of the Center for Political Accountability which promotes transparency of political contributions by business, and has held Board positions at ACCION-New York, All Souls Unitarian Church, and Net Impact, where she is Chair Emeritus. Judy was named to the “Good Business New York™ list of Leading Women and a Top 100 Thought Leader in Trustworthy Business Behavior. Judy publishes and speaks on the role of corporations in society; she tweets @JudySamuelson and blogs for Huffington Post.