Kiki Chmielewski

Lead, External Funding & Strategic PartnershipsFlame Tree Initiative.


Kiki Chmielewski has been involved with a number of community and international NGOs. Her work has primarily been focused in non-profit fundraising and partnership development. She studied International Affairs at the University of Georgia, where she developed an interest in non-profit work. Kiki spent time living internationally as a primary school teacher in Ghana and a Peace Corps Volunteer in Kyrgyzstan, before she earned her Master's Degree in International Development from the University of Denver’s Josef Korbel School of International Studies
Kiki is the Lead, External Funding & Strategic Partnerships with Flame Tree Initiative. In this role, she is responsible for building relationships and securing funding from individuals, businesses, foundations, and institutions. Kiki also leads on developing mutually beneficial partnerships in Malawi to ensure the long-term sustainability and growth of Flame Tree’s social entrepreneurship programs. She is also responsible for all external marketing and communications, as well as taking a critical role in leading on program strategy and development.
Although Kiki grew up in Georgia, she has been enjoying life in Colorado since 2011. When she's not working, you can find her outside trail running, mountain biking, rock climbing, skiing and generally trying to keep up with her husband, Jeff.