With Maverick Collective, funded five year project in Haiti to reduce child slavery & GBV. Women Moving Millions, served on board, redefining the vision, & long & short term goals; has catalyzed $1 Billion+ for women & girls. Produced Broadway play What the Constitution Means to Me. Produced documentary Disclosure. Exec Producer documentary My Name is Andrea. Produced documentary Shirin Ebadi: Until We Are Free. Funded the Annenberg Reproductive Rights Accelerator; recipients show how women's lives and stories intersect with the ideas of & need for reproductive rights. Exec Producer documentary True Believer. Investor, The Body Agency: provides female sexual health & wellness education & products. Investor, VIVI Life Company/AQ Athletics: mental wellness program & phone app, transforms relationships & performance of high school, college & professional athletes. Investor, Broadstream: online company that finds artists who need amplifying, commissioning them to make what they love.