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Leif Coorlim

Executive Editor, CNN Freedom ProjectCNN


Leif Coorlim is an award-winning journalist and executive editor of the CNN Freedom Project. He has overseen the broadcast of hundreds of stories on modern-day slavery from the network’s global headquarters in Atlanta. Coorlim has produced a number of award-winning documentaries on modern-day slavery including “The Fighters,” “Common Dreams” and “Innocence for Sale”, which won the 2010 CINE Golden Eagle Award.
In less than four years of broadcasting the Freedom Project, CNN has helped free more than 1,000 people held in slavery, catalyzed public rallies, facilitated life-saving surgeries for tortured victims and changed federal laws and business practices from Cambodia to California. Previous to his work on human trafficking, Coorlim oversaw the network’s environmental programming, producing both of CNN’s long-standing series, “Eco-Solutions” and “Going Green.” He has also led CNN International’s “Impact Your World” segment, an initiative empowering its global audience to take action.