Join us in the Journey to Transformation: A new series

Mahreen Khan

Early Career Research FellowOxford Martin School


Dr Mahreen Khan is the senior postdoctoral researcher at the Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Development at the University of Oxford. She is a labour economist focusing on issues of labour mobility, migration, human capital and skills acquisition, and youth entrepreneurship in low- and middle-income countries. Dr Khan has extensive work experience in the international development research and policy. She worked as Senior Economic Adviser for the Dutch government, focusing on issues of labour organization and decent work conditions in the textile sector in Bangladesh. She led the implementation of large-scale impact evaluations while working in Bangladesh, Nepal and Uganda. She also worked at Credit Suisse’s investment banking sector in New York and London. Dr Khan completed her Ph.D. from the Sloan School of Management at MIT. She holds a Master’s in Applied Economics from the Paris School of Economics, and dual degrees in Economics and Management from MIT.