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Mariarosaria Taddeo

Researcher - Associate Co-Investigator, PETRAS Hub for Internet of Things, a EPSRC projectOxford Internet Institute


Mariarosaria Taddeo Researcher - Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford. Her recent work focuses mainly on the ethical analysis of cyber security practices and information conflicts. Her area of expertise is Information and Computer Ethics, although she has worked on issues concerning Philosophy of Information, Epistemology, and Philosophy of AI. She published several papers focusing on online trust, cyber security and cyber warfare and guest-edited a number of special issues of peer-reviewed international journals: Ethics and Information Technology, Knowledge, Technology and Policy, Philosophy & Technology. She also edited (with L. Floridi) a volume on ‘The Ethics of Information Warfare’ (Springer, 2014) and is currently writing a book on ‘The Ethics of Cyber Conflicts’ under contract for Routledge. Dr. Taddeo is the 2010 recipient of the Simon Award for Outstanding Research in Computing and Philosophy and of the 2013 World Technology Award for Ethics. She serves editor-in-chief (elect) of Minds & Machines, in the executive editorial board of Philosophy & Technology, and is the President of the International Association of Computing and Philosophy.