Join us in the Journey to Transformation: A new series

Mark Carrato

Head of Mission, USAID BrazilUnited States Agency for International Development


Mark Carrato is the USAID Director in Brazil. He leads the Mission in building on its 60 year partnership with the Brazilian government, private sector and civil society to create sustainable and innovative socio-economic development solutions for conservation and climate change in the Amazon as well as fortifying Brazil’s role in global health security.

Mark was previously the Coordinator of the USG’s Power Africa program—its largest partnership for development, with 200+ public and private partners who have committed $56 billion to double access to electricity in sub-Saharan Africa.

In the USAID Foreign Service, Mark has also served as the Director of the USAID Office of Central America and Mexican Affairs, Chief of the USAID/Kenya and East Africa Office of Economic Growth and in Ethiopia, Afghanistan, and Colombia.

Before Going overseas, Mark was the Foreign Affairs Fellow for the Ranking Member of the House Subcommittee for Foreign Appropriations.