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I have a background in Urban and Rural environmental management and Agronomy. After a career of 11 year as a researcher at the Centre of Agricultural Research in Suriname (CELOS), I joined WWFGuianas in their Fresh Water and Protected Areas Program for over two year.
The fields of my expertise were inventory of coastal wetlands, agro-forestry applied research with savanna communities, and mapping. Awareness raising in topics related to sustainable development, strengthening community based organizations, strategic partners, advocacy and networking were the focus areas involved in at WWF.
I then became an independently consultant, assisting the Government in coastal projects and community based management of protected areas.

Started as the Program Director of Amazon Conservation Team Suriname (ACT), growing from 5 to a team of 30, expanding to the three Guianas and field collaborators just under 80 in Indigenous and tribal communities in central and south Suriname.