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Miranda Curtis



Miranda has spent the past 20 years working with John Malone at Denver-based Liberty Media, the global leader of the broadband cable industry. Over that period Miranda negotiated and managed joint ventures on Liberty's behalf across Europe and Asia Pacific, most notably in Japan, where she led the creation and development of the Jupiter Telecommunications group of companies. Having successfully negotiated the multi-billion dollar sale of Liberty's Japanese interests in early 2010, Miranda retired from her executive role with the company and was invited by Dr Malone to join the Board of Liberty Global Inc as a Non-Executive Director.

Since retirement, Miranda has built a UK-based portfolio. She is Chairman of Waterstones and a Non-Executive Director of Marks & Spencer plc. She is also Deputy Chairman of Garsington Opera, a member of the Board of the Royal Shakespeare Company (where she Chairs the US Advisory Council) and a Trustee of the Institute for Government.

Miranda's close involvement with Camfed and recent nomination to the role of Chair reflects her profound interest in international development and the education and empowerment of women.

