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Nick lived in Kenya since 1982, working actively for economic equity and social justice in Africa. In 1991 he co-founded - and until June 2012 directed - the award-winning not-for-profit social enterprise KickStart International, ( KickStart designs and promotes productivity-enhancing technologies for smallholder farmers in Africa. In recognition of this work Nick was awarded the SASE in 2004.

Since January 2012 Nick was the Executive Chairman of Wanda Agriculture, a growing for-profit social enterprise (founded by his daughter Marion Atieno Moon) that brings the latest bio-organic soil and plant health solutions to African farmers, essential for sustainable agriculture and for climate change adaptation and mitigation.

In July 2017 Nick took up a part-time position as Program Director for Orkidstudio LLC, a specialized ‘architectural design and build’ enterprise, that champions gender equality in the construction sector in Africa.

Additionally Nick was actively involved with two other initiatives that promote social and economic development.

• Peace building, enterprise development, and job creation for youth, with ONGOZA (formerly ‘Peace for Africa & Economic Development’), founded in 2008 by Eddy Gicheru Oketch in the wake of Kenya’s deeply troublesome period of violent civil unrest following hotly contested elections. Nick is currently chairman of the Board of this young and growing organization.

• The professionalization of the performing arts in Kenya - with the Theatre Company, founded by Keith Pearson and Mumbi Kaigwa (

The Skoll Foundation deeply mourns the loss of Nick Moon who passed away in 2018.